Are Mocktails the Suddenly New Chic Cocktail?

by | Dec 15, 2022

Are mocktails the suddenly new chick cocktail? Would Carrie Bradshaw and her troupe, who made famous the Cosmopolitan, that’s now synonymous with Sex and the City, be turning up their nose at the iconic cosmo and instead be sipping on a healthier version, the Cosmocktalian?

Is the Sudden Rise in Mocktail Chic Due to The Pandemic? I believe Carrie and crew and people like you would agree that the pandemic has affected our lives in so many different ways. It’s been a time of great self-reflection, a time for untethering ourselves from the external world ⏤ giving us pause for a life review. As we looked at our alcohol consumption, many of us had awakening moments and began questioning ourselves. Do I really need to consume a bottle of wine over the weekend or have a drink at every meal? Is this a healthy habit, and what are the effects of drinking? Questions we didn’t ask ourselves in pre-pandemic times.

A Rise in Alcoholic Abstinence Shaming

Recently, a friend confessed to me she had been a binge drinker for years. Yes, adults are binge drinkers imbibing four to five cocktails in a single occasion. She revealed she’s been sober for two years, but it wasn’t always easy, especially in social situations. At a holiday party, she was created by the host with a signature cocktail. She said to the host, no, thank you, I’m not drinking. When she refused, the hostess remarked, “Oh, are you an alcoholic? I’m so sorry. Really? My friend responded politely, “No, I’m just choosing not to drink anymore.” Enough said. But the shaming is real. Especially when another person assumes you’re not drinking because you have abuse issues, that’s not always the care. Tip: Don’t assume (Ass -u-me) – it makes an ass out of u- and me.

“When I got sober, I thought giving up [alcohol] was saying goodbye to all the fun and all the sparkle, and it turned out to be just the opposite. That’s when the sparkle started for me..” Brené Brown, New York Times best-selling author and vulnerability expert.


Cocktailing has become so prevalent in our culture that a lot of us don’t even think about the negative effects it has on our bodies. If you’re curious or desire to curb your sipping, sniffing, swirling, swishing, and swallowing, the 5’s of wine tasting ⏤ here’s a great article to read about the benefits of being alcohol-free.

Three Mocktails We Believe Will Become Holiday Favorites

  • A blueberry-lavender Fauxjito, don’t you just love the name? It’s a refreshing twist on a classic mojito. Full of wholesome ingredients and takes only minutes to make. Good and good for you!
  • Horchata  – a vegan eggnog alternative using pumpkin seeds, maple syrup, cinnamon, and ginger; it’s mocktail-worthy.
  • And we’d be remiss not to add the Cosmocktailan to the list ⏤ it’s super tasty and refreshing, and both cranberries and oranges are in season.

Are Mocktails the Suddenly New Chic Cocktail?

We not only believe mocktails are the suddenly new chic cocktail, but we also think they are a part of a thoughtfully-curated wellness lifestyle, living each day connected to your own Godliness, not easily swayed by prevalent cultural to-do’s. You’re grounded, moving toward your purpose and passion. Yes, you’re going to get poked, pissed, and this new behavior can be polarizing. But with any new behavior comes the unknown, crossing a chasm into the new, which invites new ways of being in the world. So much better than being caught in yesterday.

Wandering Into Wellness

Did you enjoy, Are Mocktails the Suddenly New Chic Cocktail? If so, please let us know in the comment section below, and if you have a favorite mocktail recipe, please do share.

P.S. If you’re struggling find an AAA meeting. Get a therapist. Call a friend. Know you don’t have to do this alone. We’re not meant to.

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