Spring is here – Release the diet fear

by | Mar 15, 2023

Our bodies, spirits, and emotions experience renewal during spring as longer, light-filled days arrive. Springtime affects your soul, ahh, your beautiful heart centre, because it’s based on the loving, light energy of all their IS. You are influenced by Nature and the evolutionary processes that occur, from winter’s dark stillness and quietude to rebirth regeneration and light energy that encourages the blossoming of new life. These are gifts of spring.


Yet, you may find yourself bypassing this wonderful time of the year as you’ve become ensconced in the fear messages to lose the winter weight and become “thin enough” for summer’s string bikini season. These messages come at you like a thunderstorm; magazine headlines, and diet commercials ad nauseam. A well-meaning friend may suggest you need to lose a few pounds. UGH!

Dieting is a fear game. It’s time to release the inaccurate body-image messages from society and love yourself as you are. You’ll be astounded at how a positive mindset can impact body image and weight loss. Of course, we encourage you to contact a weight-loss specialist if you are on a weight-loss journey.


This year, let’s take a new approach to spring. Walking in Nature is a good way to awaken your connection to the natural world – barefoot walking is best. You’ll literally feel Mother Earth waking up. Tune into Nature and feel yourself becoming aware and alert during this season. Be mindful of what’s happening around you and realize that same transition within yourself. What you weigh has nothing to do with this beautiful love light energy!


Approach spring as if this was the first time you have ever witnessed it. The first time you saw a flower in bloom, new neon-green leaves sprouting from the trees. Take a moment to experience joyful birds flying from one tree branch to another, chirping away for the whole world to hear. Open your heart to the miracles of spring, her beauty, and the clarity she shares, that this season is the start of something new. Don’t drag unnecessary stuff from the past. Spring is a time of rebirth.


You are reborn as the sun is reborn each day, warm and glowing with so much to give. Each spring, your spirit bursts out of the dark stillness of winter into a colorful dance with Nature. Feel the world through your heart, which never seeks to lead you in fear. It’s a time to leave behind old patterns, old beliefs, and old ways of doing things. Embrace the power and beauty of new life.
When you focus on what’s beautiful in your life, you, too, will come into full bloom!

Happy spring,

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