Three Ways to Successful Resolutions in 2023

by | Dec 30, 2022

How can we achieve successful resolutions in 2023? First, change the stinking thinking around goal setting and abysmal failure rates. These are not very positive or inspiring thoughts. Can we agree that setting new intentions for a new year is a good idea? You just need a new way. And, with the right support, you can keep a New Year’s resolution. To keep your wellness goals thriving in 2023 and beyond, here are three ways to achieve them.

A New Way in 2023

What if instead of jumping on the New Year’s bandwagon: lose weight, exercise more, learn something novel, save money, spend less, or quit a habit… you stop and make a resolution by listening to your inner self? You turn within and let it reveal its desires. Then you dedicate, commit, and persevere? Let’s take this apart. Say you want to stop eating sugar, you get the books, enroll in a sugar detox masterclass, or make a reservation for a wellness retreat that offers food from the wilds of nature – for example, Hacienda AltaGracia, in Costa Rica.

How to do Resolutions?

The book is finished, the masterclass is complete, and the suitcases are unpacked. Now what? Are you familiar with these three resolution pillars: dedication, commitment, and perseverance? These are essential components of any wellness plan, not just a sugar detox. The only way to succeed is to dedicate yourself, commit to a routine, and persevere, no matter the obstacles you face. If you stumble and fall, get up, and keep on going. Realize that failure is part of the personal growth cycle. A closer look at these three pillars will help you achieve your resolutions.

Three Foundation Pillars to Keep Any Wellness Resolution Goals

Instead of purchasing “the stuff” we think we need to better ourselves; what we really have to do is turn within and get in touch with our inner selves to figure out what’s truly meaningful. Then, develop a new year’s goal driven by soul desires versus external expectations. Let’s look at the foundational pillars that need to be put in place for any new year’s wellness resolutions in 2023 and beyond.

How to Dedicate Yourself to a Wellness Resolution

To truly dedicate yourself to your goals, you must start with the end in mind. To achieve this level of dedication, you must imagine yourself successfully achieving your goals in the future. Once you have done that, prioritize your most important tasks and then schedule those that are less essential.

How to Commit Yourself to a Wellness Resolution

What is a commitment anyway? A commitment is a promise or pledge to do something in the future. The good news is, you already know your sacred why, which gives you a firm resolve to move forward with your commitments. Here are a few reasons why you might struggle with keeping your goals for the most important person of all – yourself:

  • You’re a people pleaser.
  • You matter, so if you want something, go for it. Even if others are discouraging, hold yourself accountable. Remind yourself this is what my soul is yearning for, and it has absolutely nothing to do with someone else – it’s about the evolution of my sacred self!
  • Schedule all of your commitments.

How to Persevere and Keep a Wellness Resolution

Create reminders. Write down your soul request on post-it notes and read them throughout the day. Record your goal and play it upon waking, throughout the day, and before bed. Make sure you surround yourself with like-minded people who can help you achieve your goals. Taking wellness retreats throughout the year will keep you motivated and bring more like-minded people into your life. When you surround yourself with people who share your values, you are more likely to persevere. It’s known that people with positive attitudes are often on their own spiritual journeys, and their perspectives can influence yours. Share your goals with them and how much it means to you. Search everywhere for signs and symbols. Those are whispers from your higher self, letting you know you’re on the right path

Three Ways to Successful Resolutions in 2023

How will you handle resolutions in 2023 now that you know how to do them a new way? Here are a few more tips to get you excited about the new year and the beautiful path that will take you there!

  • Keep your most sacred ambitions on your weekly calendar- read it often!
  • Challenges will lead you to enlightenment, so welcome them.
  • Release the illusion that you don’t know how – you know. Just ask your heart to show you the way!

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